Offer Trivia, Card games, Fantasy Sports to your customers
Watch your Venue Thrive
For $149 per month (approximately $5 per day) your bar can host Buzztime trivia, card and daily fantasy sports games. With team-based competitions against bars across the US and Canada, your customers will stay longer and enjoy the camaraderie.
Key Features
Buzztime Trivia Tournaments & Single Player Games
Scheduled continent-wide trivia tournaments drawn from our database of questions, the largest trivia database in the world of over 800k questions.
Customers win badges, points and tokens as they move up the ranks.
Badges, points and tokens can be turned into merch that market your venue and Buzztime together as well as gift cards to your venue.
Buzztime Live Trivia
Host your own fun Live trivia and game show events.
Customers play from their own device, giving real time feedback and scoring and making it easy and fun.
Includes Predict the Pulse, a survey answer prediction game similar to Family Feud (TM).
The Buzztime Bets! App
Your customers play against each other and together against other Buzztime bars across the continent predicting outcomes on sports and entertainment TV.
Tournament winners every week earn merch that markets Buzztime customers and Buzztime together as well as gift cards to the winning venue.
Buzztime Has Your Back With Proven Marketing & Team-Building Strategies
An experienced account management team that will have your back. They will give you creative, tried and true ideas to get your regulars and newbies engaged in teams. The teams will then come back on a weekly basis.
Proven real world and digital promotional plans and materials for bold and creative marketing on social media and in your venue.
Regular prizing will include merch designed to promote your restaurant and Buzztime together, like shirts and caps. For large tournaments we also give out gift cards to Buzztime bars.